History Alive in Schools
Bringing History to life since 1997
World War 2 - Home & Away
also German Input
Described by one P7 teacher as the most intense but gripping couple of hours - the content of the talk portion of this workshop includes:- the lead up to World War 2, the rise of the N*zi threat, British preparations for war, appeasement, the eventual outbreak of hostilities and the impact on everyone on the Home Front - looking at Air Raids, War Work, the U Boat threat, Evacuation, Rationing, Make Do & Mend, Dig for Victory, Women's Roles, Black Out, Home Defences and loads more. Literally WW2 from start to finish in a morning.
Your display is presented by a Home Guard soldier in full uniform or a member of the Women's Land Army and is supported by an extensive collection of largely genuine WW2 memorabilia, uniforms, gas masks, ARP equipment, rationing paraphernalia, posters, newspapers, real deactivated or replica weaponry and much, much more. Incorporating the sights, sounds and smells of the war years & everyone gets the opportunity for hands-on and dressing up.
This display will ONLY fit into a full morning time slot in school and access will be required to the display area about an hour before commencement of the school day in order to set up what has become (and continues to be) a growing mobile museum on the topic!
In 2009, Kathryn joined the Northern World War II Association (portraying a soldier of the Luftwaffe Field Division) and has teamed up with (eventually married) a fellow re-enactor who portrays a soldier of 1st Kompanie - Grossdeutschland.
For a balanced view of World War II we can now also offer a collection of (non-N*zi) German uniforms, weaponry & equipment and have already presented several inputs on the war from the Axis view point.
A sample collection of German equipment (and sometimes German visitor - dependent on health) will normally be brought along in conjunction with Home Front Displays or if requested we can bring a bigger German collection in addition - perhaps creating the opportunity of a full day of WW2 experiential learning.
From 2011 - 2017 we presented several full day WW2 sessions with inputs on the Home Front filling the morning and the German display in the afternoon - these were well received.
If your class would be interested in this additional type of input please don't hesitate to contact us for further information or include a note on booking form.
*With an increasing number of Scottish schools welcoming refugess from war torn countries at present it would be helpful to know in advance if you have pupils for whom any content of this workshop might be too distressing & I can potentially amend content (if you'd prefer that weaponry wasn't displayed etc.) - a situation arose recently where I received very last minute notice (my finger was on the play button for war sound effects) - when I was informed of a pupil for whom air raid siren sounds could trigger PTSD flashbacks. Obviously, I do not want to cause distress to any child so advance notice is good to avoid such situations or school can assess suitability for any individual child/children to take part in the workshop.