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"Shiver me timbers" - a display first launched in 2009.


Discussing Pirates from mans earliest sea going days, through the Golden Age of Piracy and the 'real' Pirates of the Caribbean, looking at Corsairs, privateering and the Buccaneers, examining the pirate lifestyle, the Pirate Code & what it was like to be at sea.  Examining the famous names and even a look at modern day Pirates.


Content can be easily modified for younger classes and the children will just love the pirate costumes, pieces of eight, treasure chests, Jolly Roger flags, pirate weaponry and nautical equipment which accompany the display.


We do a bit of sea shanty singing as the group practice their hauling on ropes, lots of "Yo ho heave ho!" and of course loads of time is spent on the dressing up and hands-on aspect of the workshop.  If your children have learned any pirate songs during their topic we love to hear them so if we have spare time it can soon get filled.


A presentation ideally suited to fill an afternoon time slot in school or an input for library's, clubs or other such groups. 


Our 'pirate' presented a workshop at Stranraer Museum over the summer of 2010.

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