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What we can offer you is a hands-on, fully interactive living history display in your own classroom or school hall.  Each display is presented by a speaker/speakers dressed in relevant period costume/uniform and  is supported by a huge array of arms, armour, children's costumes, realistic props, genuine artifacts & much, much more.  (Over the Covid-19 lockdowns of 2020/2021 we have revamped and added a massive array of new props and costumes to totally update our workshop collections).


During your workshop your pupils will truly be able to immerse themselves in their history topic and enjoy having their project brought TO LIFE!!  With over 25 years experience in presenting living history talks and displays in schools we have gained much positive feedback from pupils, teachers, head teachers and parents & our displays have supported the educational inputs in hundreds of schools.


The general format of one of our presentations involves an initial talk covering all aspects of your topic - this normally follows the chronological order of events during your historical era.  A discussion/demonstration of all the accompanying props supporting the display follows and we then give ample time for your pupils to handle all the artifacts and get dressed up in period costumes followed by time for the multitude of questions which the children inevitably want to ask.


Our sessions support and complement the National Curriculum for Excellence and we have recently updated our website to detail where our contribution can support the principles and practice within the Social Studies portion of the curriculum and how we can help your pupils in their four capacities of Becoming Successful Learners, Confident Individuals, Responsible Citizens & Effective Contributors.


Lots of schools use our workshops to kick start new topics - grabbing the children's attention right from the start to stimulate their interest for the rest of the topic.  Some schools use us to consolidate learning at the end of a topic or to provide a cheaper alternative to an out of school trip.  Probationer teachers or newly qualified teachers or teachers faced with a new year group and new topics have utilized our services to help provide the framework and background knowledge to develop the rest of their topic teaching and learning and we are happy to come into school at any stage of a topic.

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